Nicely written Kamal.

I am fairly new at making chatbots. At the start I assumed that being 'conversational' meant small talk and chitchat.

Now I focus more on correct entity extraction and designing better flows. Which platform would you suggest to use for creating conversational bots. I currently use RASA.

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At the moment, the choice of platform totally depends on your needs, as there is no "best" platform yet. If you are a solo developer, having access to an open platform like Rasa is a great choice, especially considering it is an open-source product. I've also played with chatbot.com and they have a more "user-friendly" U.I. buildout process, though I think the market they are after is more of a business marketing (no-code) rather than high-tech AI development. There is also DialogFlow (by Google) and Lex (Amazon), but I would personally stray away from those platforms for now as the level of commitment, development, and developer feedback is limited when you are dealing with large corporations. Your current choice, Rasa, has the benefit of a friendly developer community (https://forum.rasa.com/), which is important when working on early-stage, cutting-edge technology spaces.

On the other hand, if you're an enterprise company with various security and reliability constraints, having access to professional service is what will guarantee the best chance of success. For these, you have many to choose from, including Clinc.com (disclosure: this is where I'm currently employed).

I plan on having a more complete article on the best platform for different markets, but it likely will not arrive for a few months. I have to do extensive research on pricing/feature before I can be confident in my recommendations to give you and the readers the best information.

I hope this helps, and I appreciate your feedback Vansh!

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